Reserve your plot now, cost is $25 for a 10 x 20 plot (half of a full size plot).
If you are with a non-profit or eligible for SNAP, plot size will be doubled for the same price. Each 10 x 40 plot will cost $25. Contact us at for more details prior to ordering.
Please do not order more than you can handle taking care of. New gardeners to the community garden are limited to one 10 x 40 plot for the first year. Return gardeners are limited to four full size plots. If space is available June 1, you can purchase another plot at that time.
If you want the same plot as last year, please contact us and let us know. It is highly recommended that you rotate your crops, especially tomatoes and squash. You can reduce viruses and vine borers by not replanting in the same area.
If you need seeds or plants, please let us know as we always have extra and are happy to share. If you have extra seeds or plants, please let us know that, too. The first week in May we will have a plant and seed swap. The garden will open May 1, earlier or later, weather permitting.