We’ve added two new tips from your fellow gardeners to the Garden Tips page about soil quality and cutworms.
With the first holiday weekend of summer almost upon us, lots of you will be stopping out to work on your garden plot. Seedlings are popping up in the plots planted so far.
Members of the gardens steering committee will be stopping in and out all weekend in case anyone has questions. The grass strips in the gardens are freshly mowed and the City of Cedar Falls has complimented us on how neat and tidy the gardens look so far this year.
A couple of quick reminders.
- If you find rocks in your garden, do not throw them out into the grass strips between plots. This is damaging the mower. You can carry them to the trees behind the garden area and tuck them in close to the tree trunks. Clearing rocks from the area is an ongoing project since this used to be a residential area with crushed rock driveways. We appreciate your help.
- Do not just toss the weeds and other garden debris into piles on the grass strips as you prep your garden space,. Again, it makes it impossible to mow. The City of Cedar Fall
s compost facility is less then 1/4 mile away off of E. Main street and is open until dusk Bring a bag or bucket and swing by there to dump your debris. This keeps down pests in the garden area as well.
Please take a minute to review the Garden Rules.
For questions and concerns or if you have a Garden Tip to share with your fellow gardeners, email: gardener@cfcommunitygardens.org