What not to do…..
We are asking everyone to be good neighbors and keep the weeds in their plots and fences under control, However, leaving all the large and seedy weed debris in the pathways around your plot is not allowed. If your weeds are large enough or have gone to seed, please carry them back to the tall grass or remove them from the property.
Buried under all these weeds are melon or squash plants as well as tomatoes and peppers. This garden has been warned twice now and the garden committee will take it back this coming week if not completely cleaned up. We know it’s hard to keep squash and melon patches weeded but a little attention every week keeps this kind of inundation from happening!!
When we have to reclaim untended garden plots, the garden committee faces a lot of back breaking work to save what can be saved for the Food Bank and to try to prevent the weeds and seeds from damaging other plots.
A special thanks to all of you trying to keep up this year.
Escape Artist

This watermelon vine snuck through the fence and grew to at least 8 inches in diameter while it’s owners took a short trip. That is a brave melon!! The mower is carefully avoiding it since the owners are pulling the weeds and grass out from around the melon.
Try to redirect your vines back into your garden area if possible. This one got out, set a watermelon and grew to this size in just a few days. It takes constant vigilance!
We have cooler temps and lower humidity forecast for the next couple of weeks. The gardens and gardeners will love that (as will those darn weeds) so hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor,