More What Not to Do…
We hate being bossy but the garden rules are written and enforced to ensure the gardens are managed properly and one garden does not negatively impact other gardeners.
Here’s a few more reminders.
The trash barrel by the sign is for trash – not for weeds and plant materials!!
Please remove your bigger and seedy weeds and other plant debris from the garden by dropping it off at the compost facility over on Main Street or spreading it out in the tall grass back behind the garden. You can also spread it out in the holes near the entry drives (maybe not those over gown cucumbers and zucchini – just grass and weeds). We’ll be mulching that area down in a few weeks.
Don’t pile your plant debris under the trees that are 20 to 40 feet behind the gardens. Don’t leave large piles in the common pathways. Both of these bad habits draw pests into the garden areas. Remember this is a community garden, not your back yard.
Fall Clean Up Preparations
We have asked the City of Cedar Falls if they will be able to pick up a plant debris pile this fall when we are all cleaning out our garden plots for the end of the season. We’ll keep you posted on if they agree and where the pile will be located if allowed. This would be plants only. All netting, fencing, posts, trellises and similar will need to be removed from the garden site for the winter.
And Finally
This fine watermelon has had a nibble or two by the deer but may still be edible?? We wondered if it is supposed to get even bigger since it is already a good foot in diameter! It has some little brothers and sisters as well. Good Work!